Some Important Computer Terms


what is Error Code 404..?

-- Of all these error codes by far the most common is 404 which is also one of the few that can be worked around - always assuming the website has not simply ceased to exist..
-- Everything else can be fixed although it would help to explain the difference between web names as they appear in the press and as they appear in a Browser..

What is USENET..?

-- Derived from Users Network this is, again, totally separate from the WWW..
-- Briefly, the Internet is also home to what are called news groups which are broadly divided into several categories and which cater for every topic imaginable..

What is AirDrop..?

-- *"AirDrop"* is a very handy feature and easy to use for wireless file transfer between Mac, even outside the context of a home network..
-- AirDrop arrived on the iPad and iPhone with iOS 7 and on Mac with Mac OS X Lion..
-- Indeed not need a router or even connect to an existing Wi-Fi or Bluetooth network to use "AirDrop"..
-- There is nothing to set up, all you need is a recent Mac ("AirDrop" indeed requires a recent Mac to be activated) and communication will be made directly between Wi-Fi cards Mac (ad-hoc mode)..

What is Defragmentation..?

--  a person must first understand how data files are saved onto magnetic storage disks..
-- Whether on a floppy disk or a hard disk, data is stored in a certain format..
-- Formatting consists of dividing a disk into organized sections so that data can be located by the computer..
-- Formatting organizes disks into concentric rings called tracks..
-- Tracks are divided into sectors (pie shaped wedges) in which files and parts of files are stored..

 What is MIMD (Multiple-instruction multiple-data)..?

-- (Multiple-instruction multiple-data) A generic description that can be applied to any MULTIPROCESSOR computer architecture in which each processor is able to execute a different program, as distinct from a SIMD architecture in which each processor executes the same program on a different data item..
-- With MIMD architecture, the deployment of the program code onto the different processors and the interconnection TOPOLOGY of the processors become visible to the programmer, and complicate the writing of programs..

What is Microprocessor..?

-- A computer integrated onto a single piece of silicon or CHIP, often referred to informally as a microchip, or the silicon chip..
-- The microprocessor was the invention that sparked the revolution in computing and communications which began in the late 1970s..
-- The first commercial microprocessor was the Intel 4004 launched in 1971, which was designed to be used in a Japanese desk calculator..

What is DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module)..?

-- (Dual In-line Memory Module) A small *PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD* with RAM chips mounted on both sides and a single edge connector, via which it can be plugged into a computer MOTHER BOARAD..
-- DIMM differs from a SIMM in that the chips on either side have separate pins on the edge connector, permitting a wider 128-bit data path for faster access to the memory; hence they tend to be used in more expensive systems like servers..

What is Trackball..?

-- A trackball is an alternative to a mouse or a stylus..
-- It looks kind of like a mouse upside-down, and you use it by rolling the ball around with your fingers..
-- It has one or more buttons to click, just like a mouse..

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