A.MasterCard CEO Ajay Banga appointed as member of US cybersecurity body
1.US President Barack Obama has nominated MasterCard’s Indian-American CEO Ajay Banga as a member of the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity.
3.The commission was established in February 2016 to make detailed recommendations to strengthen cybersecurity in both the public and private sectors while protecting privacy, ensuring public safety and economic and national security.
About Ajay Banga
1.Banga is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad.
2.He had started his career at Nestle India, working in sales and management roles from 1981 to 1994.
B.Mary Kom named as AIBA ambassador for Women’s World Boxing Championship
1.Iconic Indian woman boxer Mary Kom has been
named as the International Boxing Association (AIBA) ambassador for Women’s
World Championship.

3.The AIBA-appointed ambassadors for the World Championship also include Nicola Adams
(Great Britain), Marlen Esparza (US), Adriana Arauja (Kazakhstan), Stanimira
Petrova (Bulgaria) and Khadija Mardi (Morocco).
4.The female officials chosen as
ambassadors are Kheira Siki Yakoub (Algerian) and Jennifer Huggins (Canada).
About MC Mary Kom
1.Her full name is Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom and belongs to
Kom tribal community of the north-eastern state of Manipur.
2.She is nicknamed
Magnificent Mary.
3.She is Five-time World Boxing champion, and the only woman
boxer to have won gold medal in each one of the six world championships.
C.Google extends free internet service through WiFi to 10 railway stations
1.The search engine giant Google has extended free internet service through WiFi to 10 railway stations across the country to provide internet to over 1.5 million people.
3.These 10 Railway Stations are: Pune, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar,
Raipur, Ranchi, Vijayawada, Kacheguda (Hyderabad), Ernakulum Jn (Kochi) and
4.The free internet service is built over the fiber network of
Raitel which is designed to offer high speed broadband experience to users.
first such kind of service was launched at Mumbai Central in 2015.
6.This service
will provide travellers passing through these stations to easily stream a high
definition video, research their destination, download a book or a new game for
their journey.
D.Delhi Government bans sale of all forms of Chewable Tobacco for 1 year
1.Delhi government has banned the manufacture, distribution, storage and sale of all forms of chewable tobacco for one year in the interest of public health.
3.In this regard, Delhi Department of Food Safety
has issued an official notification and it will also cover unpackaged products
of chewable tobacco within the ambit of the ban.
4.The ban will be valid for one
year from the date of publication of this notification in the official gazette.
1.This notification was issued in pursuance of earlier September 2012
order which had banned on ‘gutkha’ in the NCT Delhi based on a series of
directions from Supreme Court.
2.But tobacco retailers defied the notification as
the term ‘gutkha’ used in it which didn’t banned them from selling the
components of ‘gutkha’ (betel nut and raw tobacco) in separate pouches.
E.Supercomputer Param Kanchenjunga unveiled at NIT Sikkim
1.Supercomputer Param Kanchenjunga was unveiled at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Sikkim.
3.It was formally unveiled by Sikkim
Governor Shrinvas Patil at the NIT Sikkim campus at Ravangla in South Sikkim
4.It is said that it most powerful and fastest supercomputer among all
the 31 NITs and Sikkim NIT has secured a rare distinction of having such a
5.Param Kanchenjunga has been jointly developed by Pune-based
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing ‘C-DAC’ and the NIT Sikkim at a
cost of three crore rupees.
6.The supercomputer is expected to help achieve
excellence in research and engineering education in the north-east region.
Supercomputer: It is a computer that can do complete tasks faster than any
other computer of its generation. It has high speed and memory and is usually
thousands of times faster than ordinary personal computers.
F.Delhi ranked 44th among world’s 50 Future-ready Cities
1.National Capital of India, Delhi has been ranked 44th among the world’s 50 ‘future-ready economies cities’ that are embracing technology for growth.
1.The list is topped by San Jose, followed by San Francisco, Singapore,
London, Washington DC, etc.
2.These high-growth cities were evaluated on the
parameters of human capital, infrastructure and commerce.
3.The model scores
large, high-growth global metropolitan areas based on attributes that enable
people and organisations to access new tools and ideas that deliver better
connectivity, better economic performance and a greater ability to attract