Mhara Gaon, Jagmag Gaon’ scheme launched by Haryana Government
- ‘Mhara Gaon, Jagmag Gaon’ scheme launched by Haryana Government to provide 24 hour uninterrupted power supply for rural domestic consumers in a phased manner with their active participation.
- With this, Haryana has become the first state in the country to provide such an innovative voluntary scheme.
- About Mhara Gaon, Jagmag Gaon scheme:It primarily aims o provide 24-hour uninterrupted power supply to rural domestic consumers only if they actively participate.
- Implementation: The scheme will be implemented in phases.In the first phase of the scheme, 83 feeders have been identified covering 310 villages.
- These villages are having minimum line losses (between 25 to 70 per cent) and have made payment of their electricity bills.
- Firstly the power supply will be increased to 15 hours in these villages instead of 12 hour power in present time.
- Later the power supply will be further increased to 21 hours on those feeders where the payment of bills would cross the mark of 90 per cent.
- Bijli Panchayats will be also organized in all villages falling under phase 1. In these panchayats, electricity department officers will resolve the complaints of consumers on the spot.
- Special emphasis on solar power will be given to generate renewable energy by installing solar panels on roof tops.
Union Government launches App to know assets of Gram Panchayats:
- Union Government has launched a mobile App to know Gram Panchayat’s assets.It was launched on the occasion of Digital India Week.
- The main purpose of the app is to provide people with the information related to assets of the gram panchayats.
- Citizens can use this mobile app to capture photographs and geographical coordinates of various public assets located in gram panchayats, like schools and hospitals etc.
- Besides providing information to the general public, the App will also be useful for planning purpose at the Panchayat and State level.
Anisa Rasouli nominated as first female judge of Afghanistan Supreme Court
- Anisa Rasouli, a former juvenile court judge, was nominated as the first ever female Supreme Court judge of Afghanistan.
- Afghan President Ashraf Ghani nominated her name as the female judge of the nine-member bench Supreme Court.
- Now,Rasouli’s nomination will require an approval from the Parliament.
- Under the Afghanistan Constitution, the Supreme Court judges have a fixed tenure of ten-years.
- The move of Ghani, who has appointed female in different capacities in recent past may shed Afghanistan’s image as a country that denies rights to women.
- It is to be noted that Afghan women were banned from leaving their houses without a male chaperone and were denied basic right like education, under the fundamentalist Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001.
Union Government launches App to know assets of Gram Panchayats:
- Union Government has launched a mobile App to know Gram Panchayat’s assets.It was launched on the occasion of Digital India Week.
- The main purpose of the app is to provide people with the information related to assets of the gram panchayats.
- Citizens can use this mobile app to capture photographs and geographical coordinates of various public assets located in gram panchayats, like schools and hospitals etc.
- Besides providing information to the general public, the App will also be useful for planning purpose at the Panchayat and State level.
Anisa Rasouli nominated as first female judge of Afghanistan Supreme Court
- Anisa Rasouli, a former juvenile court judge, was nominated as the first ever female Supreme Court judge of Afghanistan.
- Afghan President Ashraf Ghani nominated her name as the female judge of the nine-member bench Supreme Court.
- Now,Rasouli’s nomination will require an approval from the Parliament.
- Under the Afghanistan Constitution, the Supreme Court judges have a fixed tenure of ten-years.
- The move of Ghani, who has appointed female in different capacities in recent past may shed Afghanistan’s image as a country that denies rights to women.
- It is to be noted that Afghan women were banned from leaving their houses without a male chaperone and were denied basic right like education, under the fundamentalist Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001.